Social Media Placements

File Formats

Instagram: Stories


  • Video ratios: 9:16 and 16:9 to 4:5
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Video length: 15 seconds per slide
  • Maximum file size: 30 MB
  • H.264 compression
  • Consider leaving roughly 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the video free from text and logos to avoid covering these key elements with the profile icon or call-to-action. This means, if your video is 1080×1920, ensure key elements appear within a 1080×1420 title-safe area.


  • Image ratios: 9:16 and 16:9 to 4:5
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 30 MB
  • Photo stories are visible for 5 seconds or until the user swipes out of the story.
  • Consider leaving roughly 14% (250 pixels) of the top and bottom of the image free from text and logos to avoid covering these key elements with the profile icon or call-to-action. This means, if your image is 1080×1920, ensure key elements appear within a 1080×1420 title-safe area.

Instagram: Feed


  • File type: jpg or png
  • Image Dimension
    • Minimum Width : 500 pixels
  • Image Aspect Ratio
    • Minimum Aspect Ratio : 400×500
    • Maximum Aspect Ratio : 191×100


  • H.264 compression
  • Video Duration
    • Maximum Video Duration : 120 seconds
  • Video Dimension
    • Minimum Width : 500 pixels
  • Video Size
    • Maximum Video File Size : 30 MB
    • Video Aspect Ratio
      • Minimum Aspect Ratio : 400×500
      • Maximum Aspect Ratio : 191×100
      • Aspect Ratio Tolerance : 0.01



  • File type: jpg or png
  • Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 4:5
  • Recommended resolution: Upload the highest resolution image available.
  • With Link:
    • Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
    • Recommended resolution: at least 1,080 x 1,080px
    • Headline: 25 characters
    • Link Description: 30 characters


  • Video Ratio: 9:16 to 16:9
  • H.264 compression
  • Video File Size: 4GB Max
  • Video Length Minimum: 1 second
  • Video Length Maximum: 240 Minutes
  • Video Captions: Optional but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional but recommended


  • Assets must be provided 14 days prior to publish
  • Screenshots/mockups provided 7 days prior to publish
  • Advertiser sign-off by 5 days before publish
  • Campaign ends 7 days after publish
  • Analytics provided 5 days after publish

Download Templates

This ZIP contains images at the exact sizes we need for each placement. You can just replace the images with the same filenames and dimensions with your artwork and send it to us.