Media Placements – Wednesday Week in Culture

  • Placement Guide:

    540 x 300
    Week In Culture Email – Ad placement

    540 x 540
    Week In Culture Email – Native placement
    In addition to image, introduction copy of up to 50 words should be provided.

    *960 x 1080 / 1080 x 1920
    Week In Culture Social – IG Story
    Provide up to four (4) total assets from the following:
    (1) IG Story Native 960×1080, (3) IG Story Interstitials 1080×1920
    (4) IG Story Interstitials 1080×1920
    Image ratios: 9:16 and 16:9 to 4:5

    Copy safe area: Leave 14% (250 pixels) top and bottom of image free of text, logo or other key creative elements to avoid cropping or covering by profile icon or call-to-action. (For 1080×1920, key elements should appear within a 1080×1420 title-safe area)

    1080 x 1080
    Instagram/Facebook Dark Post

    Confirm @airmailweekly is a business partner on Instagram, in order to promote the partnership: Settings > Business > Branded Content > Approve Content Creators and then add: @airmailweekly.

Facebook Pixel Share (optional)

  • Go to your Facebook Business Manager
  • Click “Settings”
  • Click “Pixels”
  • Click “Assign Partner” and enter Air Mail’s Business ID and click “Confirm”. Air Mail Business Manager ID: 2724747370875171
  • To stop sharing your pixel, click “Remove Partner”

  • JPG or PNG images (static display images, max size of 200KB)
  • Minimum of 70 dpi (300 dpi recommended)
  • All image sizes are provided in points (pt) and can be sent as exact pixels, or at 2x
  • Include important markets and targets (i.e. city/country, age, competitive set, interests, etc.)

  • Please provide a URL for click through/swipe up on all placements.
  • Third party click trackers are accepted 
  • Third-party impression tracking tags are not accepted
  • Data collection pixels are not accepted
  • Blocking tags and retargeting / remarketing cookies are not accepted
  • One click tracker for each placement size is allowed

    Links to hosted asset files (Dropbox, We Transfer, etc.) should be sent to