Media Placements – Thursday Book Report

Placement Guide:

540 x 300
Thursday Book Report Email – Ad placement

540 x 540
Thursday Book Report Email – Native placement
In addition to image, introduction copy of up to 50 words should be provided.

  • JPG or PNG images (static display images, max size of 200KB)
  • Minimum of 70 dpi (300 dpi recommended)
  • All image sizes are provided in points (pt) and can be sent as exact pixels, or at 2x

  • Please provide a URL for click through/swipe up on all placements.
  • Third party click trackers are accepted 
  • Third-party impression tracking tags are not accepted
  • Data collection pixels are not accepted
  • Blocking tags and retargeting / remarketing cookies are not accepted
  • One click tracker for each placement size is allowed

    Links to hosted asset files (Dropbox, We Transfer, etc.) should be sent to

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