Media Placements – Saturday Air Mail Issue and Site 2.0

Best practices/Key learnings from
advertising campaigns on Air Mail

  • Highest engagement on campaigns that feature a variety of creative assets.
    Placements should include a combination of static brand and product units and :15 – :30 video placements.
  • Home Page Native Placements garner very high CTR when they include a brand story or offer.

Air Mail can accommodate up to 7 creative variations per size, and will rotate throughout (except as noted)

  • Sizes:
    • Desktop/Tablet:
      970 x 470
      970 x 250
      960 x 540

    • Mobile:
      750 x 320
      640 x 360

    • All devices:
      500 x 200
      500 x 500
      540 x 300 (one creative placement only)
      :10 – :30s video
      1080 x 1920 (up to three creative variations)

Note: Native and Video placements are optional

Placement Guide (where ads will appear):

  • 970 x 470  / 750 x 320
    Sections: Home Page Opener, Site Home Page, Issue Home Page, and within Issue Articles
  • 970 x 250 / 750 x 320
    Sections: Article Crown, Site – Category, Author, and Search Pages
  • 500 x 200 or 500 x 500
    Section: Issue TOC or Issue TOC Native
  • 540 x 300 
    Section: Saturday Email (one creative placement only)
  • 960 x 540 / 640 × 360
    Section: Home Page Native
    • may rotate up to 7 images & introduction copy
    • Issue and Site home page placement also allows for video (16:9 ratio, MP4/MOV format)
      In addition to image, the following information should be provided:
      • Headline (max 5 words)
      • Introduction copy (50-100 words)
  • :10 – :30s video
    Section: Video Placement
  • can be placed on Site Home Page, Issue Home Page, and within Issue Articles
    • Video Placements will run no earlier than the 3rd Placement
    • Mobile will be scaled automatically, no need to provide assets
    • Videos should be in 16:9 ratio and in MP4 or MOV format
    • A static preview frame should also be provided before the video is played, or we can just use the first frame of the video
  • 1080 x 1920
    Section: Instagram Story
    • Please provide up to three creative variations
      Copy safe area: Leave 14% (250 pixels) top and bottom of image free of text, logo or other key creative elements to avoid cropping or covering by profile icon or call-to-action. (For 1080×1920, key elements should appear within a 1080×1420 title-safe area)

NOTE: Minimum 72 dpi; all image sizes should be provided at 2x pixel resolution for high resolution displays.

TRACKING: Please provide a URL for click through on all placements.

Links to hosted asset files (Dropbox, We Transfer, etc.) should be sent to

Download Templates

This ZIP contains images at the exact sizes we need for each placement. You can just replace the images with the same filenames and dimensions with your artwork and send it to us.